HACEMOS NEB Region to Region Travel

Members of the HACEMOS National Executive Board had the opportunity of visiting 3 out 5 of our regions. In April 2022, we had the opportunity to visit our members in Washington D.C., Chicago, and Atlanta.
METRO DC Chapter: Chapter President – Lacretia Hill
Members of HACEMOS met with National President Anna Garcia and EVP Membership Kristian Cosme during our visit to Washington DC. We discussed strategies for increasing membership and engaging with other ERGS within their area. We also had the opportunity to celebrate President Garcia’s birthday. Thanks to East Region President Celeste Carrasco and Metro DC Chapter President, Lacretia Hill, for putting on the event and welcoming us to your city.
Pictured Left to Right – (Back Row: Cathy Wyche, Lacretia Hill, Kristian Cosme, Edgar Garcia, Anna Garcia, Carolyn Thompson, Mylisha Davis)
(Front Row: Celeste Carrasco)
Chicago Chapter: Chapter President – Doris Delgado
EVP Operations, Dawn Cordero and National President, Anna Garcia attended the 40th Annual HACE Summit and Conference in Chicago last month as guest speakers and took advantage of their trip to connect with our HACEMOS Chicago members. The Chicago board led by Doris Delgado, did an amazing job by setting up a meet and greet at AT&T’s flagship store where members and nonmembers alike were invited to hear from Dawn and Anna and their journey as HACEMOS leaders. The event was a huge success and we have gained some new members and solidified our HACEMOS goal to serve our members and communities with some of the initiatives that this chapter will be working on going forward.
Our Chicago chapter is also currently increasing its membership and was one of top three chapters adding members in April. Continue to share our HACEMOS ERG with your colleagues and invite them to join, because #JuntosHACEMOSMas
Atlanta Chapter: – Chapter President Itsalia Lopez-Carlo
Atlanta welcomed their employees back to the office on April 26th with a celebration and HACEMOS was there to welcome them back! HACEMOS National President Anna Garcia and EVP Membership Kristian Cosme traveled to Atlanta to meet with the Atlanta board as well as participate in a new program that we’re excited to launch. During our meeting with the board, we discussed the impacts of COVID and how to navigate through membership engagement. We also discussed how to bridge partnership and participation from business units and leveraging other ERGs in the area to develop a strong campaign of engagement. Following our meeting, we launched the HACEMOS/WGU partnership. With this partnership, HACEMOS members are eligible to receive UP TO $7,500 scholarship to attend Western Governors University. What a great membership benefit! Thank you to Itsalia and the Atlanta board for welcoming us and the great conversatio